What Teachers are Saying About Chris' Workshops
- "Chris was terrific. I learned so much and have many new techniques to bring to my class."
- "Inspirational! Great make and take materials."
- "Great stuff! I loved it! Encore presentation with different topic."
- "This was an exceptional workshop. So much of this can be easily done in my classroom."
- "Great! Wonderful! Wow! Thanks for everything."
- "This was one of the best workshops I have ever attended!"
- "This guy is awesome. Great teaching ideas - both phenomena and pedagogy."
- "I wish I had a science teacher like Chris when I was a student. I would have really enjoyed the subject!"
- "Great speaker! Interesting and Fun."
- "Chris’ “tutorial” makes me want to study physics first hand and connect it to everything!"
- "Chris is such an enthusiastic teacher! His presentation was excellent suitable for all ages of students."
Science Education Professional Developement
with Chris Chiaverina